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Month: January 2002

Lecture for Jason’s Class

Lecture for Jason’s Class

I’d like to thank Jason for letting me come in and ramble on to his class. It was a great time. I spend some time gathering up my notes on the topic (the medieval and early modern garden), and when I did a little minor run through myself it was awful. But once I got there it all made so much more sense. I looked at my notes a couple of times, but mostly it just followed one from another, the topics. I hope it all made sense. The class was great, they asked really interesting questions, and laughed at my silly jokes. It was great fun all around and I’m sorry I won’t get a chance to do it again, since the class is no more. Sad.

It’s Over: I’m a Dropout

It’s Over: I’m a Dropout

I haven’t been meaning to ignore my blog. No, most certainly I haven’t. I must admit that I’ve been sucked into writing some stuff that I’m not sure how to talk about on here. But I’ll get around to it eventually.

Thing to note #1: I have dropped out of school. Yes, you read right. Rochelle has DROPPED out of school. I’m happy about it, but I need to find a job. If you know of anything, feel free to mail me. Other than that…Christmas was Christmas, and that was much…uh….fun. right. 🙂 More on that later, I’m sure.