Dog Days
I spent the afternoon with my friends Rhonda and Alana down by Winchester park. They are sweet, sweet people who just can’t stop trying to feed me or hand me drinks. I should be back there now, but it seems a bit late and I don’t want to impose anymore than I already have….they’re babysitting a (gasp) 9 week old beagle girl, and I just couldn’t take my eyes off her. She reminds me so much of my little munchin at that age.
So I spent the afternoon speaking beagle and pulling [insert name of random object/piece of garbage here] out of this little girl’s mouth. What a funny duckling. Beautiful day. Oh, the feeling of warm wind on my bare arms….it’s so beautiful it’s almost unbearable. I can’t wait for the summer. Oh, and it seems that my dear friend blue has decided to come for a visit from Iowa this summer….what fun that will be! I’ll have to start making fun plans now, she strikes me as a fun kind of girl.
Still marvelling at the nice weather….[raises a glass] here’s to it continuing into the week….we need this. We really need it. This winter of my discontent has rolled along way too long….