You know you blog too much when…
I had to walk through one of our local malls today on the way to the health card office, and for the first time I noticed something odd. I walked past one particular store and it struck me, all of a sudden, that it was exactly like a blog. Yes, a store. It had a blue header in just the same shade as a default blog template. A big blue header, small white print, and then variable content underneath it. (I mean the clothes and such that they sell. Sure, it’s not text, but it’s variable and text-like, if you sort of squint and think really metaphorically.) It even had a smaller portion of the whitespace under the header on one side for navigation (the door) and then the rest of the content on the other side.
Surely it’s a sign of something when Smart Set and wordpress default seem like about the same thing.
0 thoughts on “You know you blog too much when…”
Oh my god… you’re right.
AHA! You see it too! It was a strange moment, feeling as though I could walk into a blog like that. Think of the marketing potential!