

Wow, another mention on another blog. This one is the amazing and intensely thoughtful blog kept by my dear friend salmon with the pink shoes. She’s really the reason I’ve even heard of blogging….what a star she is. 🙂 And she bears a spooky resemblance to PJ Harvey.

Well, I spent the morning downloading strange music. A friend’s computer needs a reformat (oh, the horror!) so I get to be the guardian of the mp3s. So in spite of the lawsuit against napster, we the users don’t seem to be suffering too much. I would just like to point out that I have been far more likely to actually buy music since I discovered napster…now I actually hear stuff and discover that I want it. 🙂 (Us talk radio junkies don’t realize this often.)

I’m also glad to say that both me and my wonderful touch-base friend Janine, who had bad days yesterday, are having good days today. Yay! (touch-base friend: the person you call when you just have to tell someone about your day and it seems to inane to tell most people. These are my favourite kinds of friends.)

Thank god(tm) for blog(tm)!

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