Educational Blogging

Educational Blogging

lots of trouble posting today…I lost at least 2 entries that I can remember trying to make off hand, and the template isn’t saving my html changes. I know it’s because of the upgrades blogger has been getting, and I know there were lots of problems with the process. So I’m trying to be patient, though that’s not really my strong suit. So much to talk about, too much else to do. I’ve been playing around with html, so every day this page looks a little different. Every couple of hours, in fact. I’m inspired by the blogs around me. 🙂 And, we had a nice conversation at Achieve about the possible uses for blogs in educational environments…I think this is one of the truly exciting uses for blogging. Do you know I went through many classes in English (as an undergraduate English major) reading a book a week and never being asked what i thought about what i was reading? (Until the exam, of course, but that hardly counts.) The impact blogging could have on student-instructor interaction is almost unfathomable…and I think mostly because your blog is YOUR BLOG, it’s got a kind of…’private’ sense to it, in spite of it being public. ‘private’ in terms of control, i suppose…Well, I’m at work now, and I should probably be doing something more useful. I told Richard that I was learning html and he’s decided that I should create the banner for the Centre. I don’t have a clue how to do that, but I just smile and nod.

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